Returns an array of all logs matching a given filter object. For more information about eth_getLogs check out our Deep Dive into eth_getLogs page.
Object - The filter options:
- fromBlock: QUANTITY|TAG - (optional, default: "latest") Value:
- Integer block number
- "latest" for the last mined block
- "pending", "earliest" for not yet mined transactions.
- toBlock: QUANTITY|TAG - (optional, default: "latest") Value:
- Integer block number
- "latest" for the last mined block
- "pending", "earliest" for not yet mined transactions.
- address: DATA|Array, 20 Bytes - (optional) Contract address or a list of addresses from which logs should originate.
- topics: Array of DATA, - (optional) Array of 32 Bytes DATA topics.
- Topics are order-dependent. Each topic can also be an array of DATA with "or" options.
- Check out more details on how to format topics in eth_newFilter.
- blockHash: DATA, 32 Bytes - (optional) With the addition of EIP-234 (Geth >= v1.8.13 or Parity >= v2.1.0), blockHash is a new filter option which restricts the logs returned to the single block with the 32-byte hash blockHash. Using blockHash is equivalent to fromBlock = toBlock = the block number with hash blockHash. If blockHash is present in the filter criteria, then neither fromBlock nor toBlock are allowed.
curl --location '{your-api-key}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "eth_getLogs",
"params": [
"topics": [
"blockHash": "0x375de30db8192560e57ed5c6de13e263f6fb98e725bcc008185ee73c07a9a114"
"id": 0
Array - Array of log objects, or an empty array if nothing has changed since last poll.
- For filters created with eth_newBlockFilter the return are block hashes (DATA, 32 Bytes), e.g. ["0x3454645634534..."].
- For filters created with eth_newPendingTransactionFilter the return are transaction hashes (DATA, 32 Bytes), e.g. ["0x6345343454645..."].
- For filters created with eth_newFilter logs are objects with following params:
- removed: TAG - True when the log was removed, due to a chain reorganization. False if its a valid log.
- logIndex: QUANTITY - Integer of the log index position in the block. Null when its pending log.
- transactionIndex: QUANTITY - Integer of the transactions index position log was created from. Null when its pending log.
- transactionHash: DATA, 32 Bytes - Hash of the transactions this log was created from. Null when its pending log.
- blockHash: DATA, 32 Bytes - Hash of the block where this log was in. Null when its pending. Null when its pending log.
- blockNumber: QUANTITY - The block number where this log was in. Null when its pending. Null when its pending log.
- address: DATA, 20 Bytes - Address from which this log originated.
- data: DATA - Contains one or more 32 Bytes non-indexed arguments of the log.
- topics: Array of DATA - Array of 0 to 4 32 Bytes DATA of indexed log arguments.
- In solidity: The first topic is the hash of the signature of the event (e.g. Deposit(address,bytes32,uint256)), except you declare the event with the anonymous specifier.
curl --location '{your-api-key}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "eth_getLogs",
"params": [
"topics": [
"blockHash": "0x375de30db8192560e57ed5c6de13e263f6fb98e725bcc008185ee73c07a9a114"
"id": 0
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 0,
"result": [
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"topics": [
"data": "0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000470de4df820000",
"blockNumber": "0x47ff0",
"transactionHash": "0x8b4b28aa23f7aec87df554c9df765e62c372dd4aea392563b944213eed99ee75",
"transactionIndex": "0x9",
"blockHash": "0x375de30db8192560e57ed5c6de13e263f6fb98e725bcc008185ee73c07a9a114",
"logIndex": "0x20",
"removed": false
"address": "0x224d8fd7ab6ad4c6eb4611ce56ef35dec2277f03",
"topics": [
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"transactionIndex": "0xa",
"blockHash": "0x375de30db8192560e57ed5c6de13e263f6fb98e725bcc008185ee73c07a9a114",
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